Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Backpack.... Lost and Found – Self.

“To awaken alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” – Freya Stark

I thought Freya must be out of her mind.

But you know what; Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. I decided to extend my trip by few more days to step out of my comfort zone and live the life, I have never lived.

To begin with,


I had no plans on what to do and where to go. A good traveller has no fixed plans apparently. But NO! That line did not inspire me. Eventually managed to book a hostel(Bedstation) in the last minute, which later turned out to be my saviour and bliss.

A great place to stay; meet strangers from different parts of life; grab a beer and talk anything under the sun; be anyone(fantasy included!) you want to be; walk out as friends!

A glimpse of Bedstation 
Random discussions with random people over breakfast table leads to an exciting plan for the next few days. The funny part is, none had a plan before that breakfast. So I head out to explore. Not necessary to stick with the group. You can just take off anytime, anywhere, with or without.

Wake up with a blank mind, have a hot shower, grab a healthy breakfast, pocket a local map and head-out, explore, get lost, and talk to locals, relish local food, find self, smile, explore more, talk more, eat more, smile more and finally, back to bed with memories. And the cycle continued.

This is exactly how I spent my few days at Bangkok and this is what I found (not read) about Bangkok.

The city is highly busy and commercial.

Overloaded Buddhism at one section of the city and rest of all the section is famous for what you know it is famous for! If you don't know, read about it. Wait!! Rather visit and see for yourself.

It is weird to believe that, I lost not more than one-fourth of a day to sleep in all those days.

Travelling leaves you speechless, then turns you into a story teller. Absolutely true, Mr. Batutta.

I wish to share more stories.

But it is better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times- An old Asian proverb.

So. Backpack. Lose. Find. Self.

Friday, 20 March 2015

When you are not…………….

When you are not, what you are expected to be, but if you are who you really want to be, care a damn about those hypocrites and continue to be the way you really wanted to be.

The old adage “Grass is always greener on the other side” makes a lot of sense. People hardly realize that dreaming about the life they wish for, is not going to help unless you stop dreaming and do something towards it. Of course, I am referring to those things that are in their control. But those “Had you been” talks freak me out!! Life sounds so easy rosy in those talks. Wish we all know the true meaning of hypothesis.

Although above such things are common in many aspects of life, education is one of the highlighted and sensitive issues. Our society strongly believes that the right education paves way to wisdom. Agreed! Hands down! But sadly a section of us still believe that certain degrees (not necessarily it educates) leads to dignity, stardom, fame, wealth, and lastly wisdom. One such cliché is becoming an engineer or a doctor or an MBA. Every middle class Indian wants to become one of those former two. Due to this frenzy, engineering in India has become a business, and let alone the standard of education. No matter how many movies Amir khan does, the true essence will never be realised. At this rate, it would not be a surprise if being an engineer or a doctor turns out to be minimum criteria for one to get married in the near future!

I strongly believe, the society will progress only when one stops being part of the herd; stops being another cog in the wheel. But life teaches you lessons the hard way! Learnt it!

P.S. I still would carry the above thoughts even if I were an engineer or a doctor. But when you are not… Be yourself! You are unique, just like everyone!